Are you waiting? Do you feel like you are in
limbo? Do you feel like something awesome is yet to come?
I have often felt like I was waiting for something
really awesome to happen. Like Publishers Clearing House to show up at my
door with a multi bazillion dollar check, and my life would be infinitely
changed. Or possibly waiting to be "discovered" (discovered,
for what I have no idea).
There are seasons in my life that I feel I have
been created for so much more. I have been made for greatness. Aren’t we all created for so
much more? Aren’t we all created for God's greatness? Aren’t we all
made in His Holy likeness? Should we all be waiting?
Just in my circle, several people are in the waiting room of life. My mom is currently waiting on a prosthetic leg because of a recent amputation. I have some sweet friends who are currently
waiting on holding their precious boy from China. Another friend is
waiting on a home to be built. Another is waiting for a possible move. My family is currently waiting on answers for an upcoming life change. Aren’t we all waiting?
Maybe we are waiting for what will happen next.
Maybe the season you are currently in is really rough, and you are
waiting for the clouds to clear. Maybe you are waiting for signs from God
about an upcoming decision.
A lot of times with waiting comes worry. The
unknown is scary. So we, in our little human brain replay unknown
scenarios as to what might happen. Recently my husband and I toyed with
the idea of moving. I mentally packed, unpacked, painted, decorated,
rearranged and lived in three different houses. Why? Emotions,
planning, eagerness, stupidity. Whatever you want to call, it was a waste
of my time. I wasted Godly moments to mentally plan an event that did not
even happen. If only I waited for God to fully speak to my heart, I would
not have wasted precious God time.
Waiting is hard, it can be painful, and it is
exhausting. We are creatures of action. We want to live fast, act
fast and be fast. Who wants to wait around? After all, look at our
culture of fast food, drive thru’s and 30 minutes or less. We want it
hot, fresh and NOW! No matter what it is. Quick conveniences make up our
Think about when you are driving. I want you
to be honest. How many of you constantly check your phone at a red light?
Who checks Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, email? You know you do, don’t
lie. We don't know how to wait. Even in the car!
Waiting makes us uncomfortable. It makes us
think about our decisions.
Look back in the Bible,
How long did the people of Israel have to wait
before they made it to the Promised Land? How long did Sarah have to wait
before she bore a child? How long did Jesus have to wait before he could
proclaim the greatness of the Lord?
Waiting is biblical. Waiting grows us; it
makes us stronger in our faith. Trusting God to make decisions for us and
waiting for Him. Dependence on our Heavenly Father is grown out of waiting.
Waiting builds up our spiritual WEIGHT. When we are forced to wait, God builds our character. He grows and strengthens us so that we can
handle any other waits that come our way.
Our walk with Him grows deeper, and stronger, and stretches us to reach
wholeheartedly towards Him.
We should think about our waiting period as a
blessing. A time that we can rely on
what God is doing in our lives. Waiting
is a gift that allows us to grow in our relationship with Jesus. It is still hard, and uncomfortable, and
makes life a little stressful. But the
reward is just so Great!
Isaiah 40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings like eagles: they shall run and not grow weary.
Psalm 27:13-14 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living; Wait for the Lord, be strong, and let your heart
take courage; wait for the Lord!